Prototyping and validating hardware-software components, sub-systems and systems within the intelligent transportation system-of-systems framework requires a modular yet flexible and open-access ecosystem. This work presents our attempt towards developing such a comprehensive research and education ecosystem, called AutoDRIVE, for synergistically prototyping, simulating and deploying cyber-physical solutions pertaining to autonomous driving as well as smart city management. AutoDRIVE features both software as well as hardware-in-the-loop testing interfaces with openly accessible scaled vehicle and infrastructure components. The ecosystem is compatible with a variety of development frameworks, and supports both single and multi-agent paradigms through local as well as distributed computing. Most critically, AutoDRIVE is intended to be modularly expandable to explore emergent technologies, and this work highlights various complementary features and capabilities of the proposed ecosystem by demonstrating four such deployment use-cases: (i) autonomous parking using probabilistic robotics approach for mapping, localization, path planning and control; (ii) behavioral cloning using computer vision and deep imitation learning; (iii) intersection traversal using vehicle-to-vehicle communication and deep reinforcement learning; and (iv) smart city management using vehicle-to-infrastructure communication and internet-of-things.
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以任务为导向的通信,主要是使用基于学习的联合源通道编码(JSCC),旨在通过将与任务相关的信息传输到接收方来设计通信有效的边缘推理系统。但是,只有在不引入任何冗余的情况下传输与任务相关的信息可能会导致由于渠道变化引起的学习鲁棒性问题,而JSCC将源数据直接映射到连续的通道输入符号中会对现有数字通信系统提出兼容性问题。在本文中,我们通过首先调查编码表示形式的信息性与接收到的信息失真的鲁棒性之间的固有权衡解决这两个问题,然后提出一种具有任务调制的导向的通信方案,名为Inveete Task-定向的JSCC(DT-JSCC),其中发射器将功能编码为离散表示形式,并使用数字调制方案将其传输到接收器。在DT-JSCC方案中,我们开发了一个可靠的编码框架,称为强大的信息瓶颈(rib),以改善对信道变化的稳健性,并使用变量近似来得出肋骨目标的可拖动变异上限,以克服克服相互信息的计算棘手性。实验结果表明,所提出的DT-JSCC比具有低通信延迟的基线方法更好的推理性能更好,并且由于施加的肋骨框架而表现出对通道变化的鲁棒性。
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组合多个传感器使机器人能够最大程度地提高其对环境的感知意识,并增强其对外部干扰的鲁棒性,对机器人导航至关重要。本文提出了可融合的基准测试,这是一个完整的多传感器数据集,具有多种移动机器人序列。本文提出了三项贡献。我们首先推进便携式和通用的多传感器套件,可提供丰富的感官测量值:10Hz激光镜点云,20Hz立体声框架图像,来自立体声事件相机的高速率和异步事件,来自IMU的200Hz惯性读数以及10Hz GPS信号。传感器已经在硬件中暂时同步。该设备轻巧,独立,并为移动机器人提供插件支持。其次,我们通过收集17个序列来构建数据集,该序列通过利用多个机器人平台进行数据收集来涵盖校园上各种环境。一些序列对现有的SLAM算法具有挑战性。第三,我们为将本地化和映射绩效评估提供了基础真理。我们还评估最新的大满贯方法并确定其局限性。该数据集将发布由原始传感器的设置,地面真相,校准数据和评估算法组成:。
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与准确性和计算成本具有密切关系的图像分辨率在网络培训中发挥了关键作用。在本文中,我们观察到缩小图像保留相对完整的形状语义,但是失去了广泛的纹理信息。通过形状语义的一致性和纹理信息的脆弱的启发,我们提出了一个名为时间性解决方案递减的新颖培训策略。其中,我们在时域中随机将训练图像降低到较小的分辨率。在使用缩小图像和原始图像的替代训练期间,图像中的不稳定纹理信息导致纹理相关模式与正确标签之间的相关性较弱,自然强制执行模型,以更多地依赖于稳健的形状属性。符合人类决策规则。令人惊讶的是,我们的方法大大提高了卷积神经网络的计算效率。在Imagenet分类上,使用33%的计算量(随机将培训图像随机降低到112 $ \倍112美元)仍然可以将resnet-50从76.32%提高到77.71%,并使用63%的计算量(随机减少在50%时期的训练图像到112 x 112)可以改善resnet-50至78.18%。
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We aim to bridge the gap between our common-sense few-sample human learning and large-data machine learning. We derive a theory of human-like few-shot learning from von-Neuman-Landauer's principle. modelling human learning is difficult as how people learn varies from one to another. Under commonly accepted definitions, we prove that all human or animal few-shot learning, and major models including Free Energy Principle and Bayesian Program Learning that model such learning, approximate our theory, under Church-Turing thesis. We find that deep generative model like variational autoencoder (VAE) can be used to approximate our theory and perform significantly better than baseline models including deep neural networks, for image recognition, low resource language processing, and character recognition.
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Driven by improved architectures and better representation learning frameworks, the field of visual recognition has enjoyed rapid modernization and performance boost in the early 2020s. For example, modern ConvNets, represented by ConvNeXt, have demonstrated strong performance in various scenarios. While these models were originally designed for supervised learning with ImageNet labels, they can also potentially benefit from self-supervised learning techniques such as masked autoencoders (MAE). However, we found that simply combining these two approaches leads to subpar performance. In this paper, we propose a fully convolutional masked autoencoder framework and a new Global Response Normalization (GRN) layer that can be added to the ConvNeXt architecture to enhance inter-channel feature competition. This co-design of self-supervised learning techniques and architectural improvement results in a new model family called ConvNeXt V2, which significantly improves the performance of pure ConvNets on various recognition benchmarks, including ImageNet classification, COCO detection, and ADE20K segmentation. We also provide pre-trained ConvNeXt V2 models of various sizes, ranging from an efficient 3.7M-parameter Atto model with 76.7% top-1 accuracy on ImageNet, to a 650M Huge model that achieves a state-of-the-art 88.9% accuracy using only public training data.
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A step-search sequential quadratic programming method is proposed for solving nonlinear equality constrained stochastic optimization problems. It is assumed that constraint function values and derivatives are available, but only stochastic approximations of the objective function and its associated derivatives can be computed via inexact probabilistic zeroth- and first-order oracles. Under reasonable assumptions, a high-probability bound on the iteration complexity of the algorithm to approximate first-order stationarity is derived. Numerical results on standard nonlinear optimization test problems illustrate the advantages and limitations of our proposed method.
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Existing measures and representations for trajectories have two longstanding fundamental shortcomings, i.e., they are computationally expensive and they can not guarantee the `uniqueness' property of a distance function: dist(X,Y) = 0 if and only if X=Y, where $X$ and $Y$ are two trajectories. This paper proposes a simple yet powerful way to represent trajectories and measure the similarity between two trajectories using a distributional kernel to address these shortcomings. It is a principled approach based on kernel mean embedding which has a strong theoretical underpinning. It has three distinctive features in comparison with existing approaches. (1) A distributional kernel is used for the very first time for trajectory representation and similarity measurement. (2) It does not rely on point-to-point distances which are used in most existing distances for trajectories. (3) It requires no learning, unlike existing learning and deep learning approaches. We show the generality of this new approach in three applications: (a) trajectory anomaly detection, (b) anomalous sub-trajectory detection, and (c) trajectory pattern mining. We identify that the distributional kernel has (i) a unique data-dependent property and the above uniqueness property which are the key factors that lead to its superior task-specific performance; and (ii) runtime orders of magnitude faster than existing distance measures.
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Masked image modeling (MIM) has shown great promise for self-supervised learning (SSL) yet been criticized for learning inefficiency. We believe the insufficient utilization of training signals should be responsible. To alleviate this issue, we introduce a conceptually simple yet learning-efficient MIM training scheme, termed Disjoint Masking with Joint Distillation (DMJD). For disjoint masking (DM), we sequentially sample multiple masked views per image in a mini-batch with the disjoint regulation to raise the usage of tokens for reconstruction in each image while keeping the masking rate of each view. For joint distillation (JD), we adopt a dual branch architecture to respectively predict invisible (masked) and visible (unmasked) tokens with superior learning targets. Rooting in orthogonal perspectives for training efficiency improvement, DM and JD cooperatively accelerate the training convergence yet not sacrificing the model generalization ability. Concretely, DM can train ViT with half of the effective training epochs (3.7 times less time-consuming) to report competitive performance. With JD, our DMJD clearly improves the linear probing classification accuracy over ConvMAE by 5.8%. On fine-grained downstream tasks like semantic segmentation, object detection, etc., our DMJD also presents superior generalization compared with state-of-the-art SSL methods. The code and model will be made public at
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Considering the computation complexity, we propose a Guided Hybrid Quantization with One-to-one Self-Teaching (GHOST}) framework. More concretely, we first design a structure called guided quantization self-distillation (GQSD), which is an innovative idea for realizing lightweight through the synergy of quantization and distillation. The training process of the quantization model is guided by its full-precision model, which is time-saving and cost-saving without preparing a huge pre-trained model in advance. Second, we put forward a hybrid quantization (HQ) module to obtain the optimal bit width automatically under a constrained condition where a threshold for distribution distance between the center and samples is applied in the weight value search space. Third, in order to improve information transformation, we propose a one-to-one self-teaching (OST) module to give the student network a ability of self-judgment. A switch control machine (SCM) builds a bridge between the student network and teacher network in the same location to help the teacher to reduce wrong guidance and impart vital knowledge to the student. This distillation method allows a model to learn from itself and gain substantial improvement without any additional supervision. Extensive experiments on a multimodal dataset (VEDAI) and single-modality datasets (DOTA, NWPU, and DIOR) show that object detection based on GHOST outperforms the existing detectors. The tiny parameters (<9.7 MB) and Bit-Operations (BOPs) (<2158 G) compared with any remote sensing-based, lightweight or distillation-based algorithms demonstrate the superiority in the lightweight design domain. Our code and model will be released at
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